518-283-5315 / 518-369-7573 sharon2642@nycap.rr.com

The Community Spouse

When one spouse dies or if the second spouse becomes ill, the home and assets may be lost. Therefore, even if one spouse receives Medicaid, the second spouse needs to take steps to protect their assets.

The CSRA (Community Spouse Resource Allowance) for 2025:

  •  $ 74,820.00 – the State Minimum CSRA


  • 1/2 of the total value of the countable resources of both spouses – as of the date of institutionalization of the ill spouse – not to exceed the Maximum CSRA which is $157,920 for 2025

This figure does not include the ill spouses exempt resource allowance

  •  The Family Home
  • A car of any value
  • $1,500 face value of life insurance
  • Prepaid burial items

Community Spouse Minimum Monthly Needs Allowance (MMNA) for 2025:

  • $3,948.00

How it works:

  • If the income of the community spouse is less than the MMNA, they will be allowed to keep enough of the ill spouses income to bring them up to the MMNA
  • If the income of the community spouse is more than the MMNA, they will be asked to make a contribution towards the care of the ill spouse, normally 25% of the excess over the MMNA.

Prevent your spouse from becoming impoverished if you become ill and need nursing home care.